The Alien Meat Bodega vendor cart encases a wide variety of meat from all over the multiverse, sells rare blue meats, and showcases a clear pig with fabric organs. And the Virus Cart sells boutique molds and bacteria with a robotic arm controlled by a large spore who spends all day listening to pop radio and smoking tiny cigarettes.
Vendor Carts - Meat & Bacteria and Virus Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the C Street Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Emmanuelle John Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Andrew England Technical Integrator
- Becky Neil Technical Integrator
- Benji Geary Artist
- Charlotte Thurman Artist
- Conor Peterson Technical Integrator
- Emilio Pincheira Senior Artist
- Emily Markwiese Technical Integrator
- Ezrah Bartone Technical Integrator
- Gen Hayashida Artist
- Geoffrey Banzhof Lead Fabricator
- Jake Snider Lighting Designer
- Joel Bartlett Senior Technical Fabricator
- Jonathan Ortega Fabricator
- Joseph Yatsky Production Designer
- Joshua Myers Production Manager
- Justin Crouch Fabricator
- Karen Lembke Artist
- Mindrix Show Fabrication Vendor
- Samuel Taccetta Fabricator
- Shakti Howeth Artist
- Shannon Flattery Artist
- Sophia Richard Fabricator
- Tony Romero Artist