Cosmohedron’s third level “The Guts of the Guts”, is the “brain” of the Cosmohedron virus, where processing of the cells, organisms, and energies that enter and exit the space takes place on a more refined level. As the Cosmohedron’s viral impulses to consume the cells of its environment in order to replicate changed into a more symbiotic relationship over time, this third level served as the information processing center of gathering data from Numina DNA, and shifting the cellular structure of outgoing material. Once this exchange takes place, the second and third levels of the Cosmohedron further the development of outgoing cells into more complex forms, adding to the body of Numina. “Guts of the Guts” is fueled in part by the energy of the guests and human life forms that come in through its cell wall, especially those who spend some time seated engulfed in the “nucleus.” This does not drain people of their energy, but rather fuels them back in turn as an exchange, providing them with the resource of swamp essence. This communicative process changes the whole swamp to better accommodate the human visitors.
Creatively, one is supposed to feel that they are “inside” of a single cell, witnessing and engulfed by the many intricate cellular processes taking place around them through the organelles, cytoplasmic textures, and energetic impulses expressed through patterns of light and sound. It’s both biological and cosmic, larger than life and simultaneously representative of the microscopic intelligent, communicative workings inside every body.
Cosmohedron: Guts of the Guts Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Numina Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Wylla Skye Senior Artist
Creative Contributors
- Aaron Hannon Artist
- Adrian Velazquez Senior CAD Designer
- Chris Hilson Senior Artist
- Christina McGrady Production Director
- Christopher Miller Technical Systems Designer
- Curtis Lee Artist
- Danny Sharp Technical Fabricator
- David McPherson Senior Artist
- Dre' Gallegos Technical Fabrication Manager
- Emilio Pincheira Senior Artist
- Emily Markwiese Technical Integrator
- Emmanuelle John Artist
- Geoffrey Banzhof Senior Fabricator
- Joel Bartlett Technical Fabricator
- Jon Haas Lighting Designer
- Joseph Hecker Technical Fabricator
- Joshua Myers Production Manager
- Julia Strauss CAD Designer
- Karen Lembke Fabric & Sewing Specialist
- Kevin Sennott Technical Fabricator
- Kiki Johnson Artist
- Kristen Keilman Technical Fabricator
- Les Stuck Audio Programmer
- Lucian Connole Production Designer
- Maxwell Cohn Fabricator
- Parker Jennings Production Manager
- Samuel Taccetta Fabricator
- Sophia Richard Artist
- Taylor Hedum Technical Fabricator
- William Robison Digital Fabricator