Lyra's Keep - Lyra Statue 0
Lyra's Keep - Lyra Statue 1

Convergence Station

Lyra's Keep - Lyra Statue

Located in Ossuary

The statue commemorates Lyra Osstrand, the first Y’ruk to commune with Oss. Following the Cataclysm, Lyra led the survivors in building a new society and preserving their past using Oss. Lyra, who always felt a psychic bond with Oss, discovered that these crystals quite literally held the memories of her ancestors. She called this act “speaking with the stones” and through her ancestors’ memories was able to look back through time as if flipping through a history book. She founded the Ossuary Library and became its first Head Librarian. There, she devoted the remainder of her life to the preservation of knowledge. Her legacy lives on through the Lineage of Librarians, successors who have upheld Ossuary’s role as the center of information collection in the converged worlds.

The statue depicts Lyra “speaking” with a large Oss stone. To her side is a traditional Y’ruk mining lantern made of metal and glass. Its constant illumination pays tribute to the lives lost in the Cataclysm. When visitors lift the hinged door, they discover that the light source is a MEMport. The lantern has been repurposed to house a device where visitors can collect and view memories.

Lyra's Keep - Lyra Statue Contributors

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