QDOT QSpot Qiosk + RATS_II 0
QDOT QSpot Qiosk + RATS_II 1
QDOT QSpot Qiosk + RATS_II 2

Convergence Station

QDOT QSpot Qiosk + RATS_II

Located in Ossuary, Transit Station

Located in the Transit Station, the QDOT QSpot Qiosk is an interactive map of the Quantum Dept. of Transportation that guides travelers through the many bizarre regions of the multiverse. But one of these kiosks was stolen by a group of hackers who took it to the Pizza Pals Playzone and converted it into the "RAT_S II" arcade game that features a rat king, sentient pizza creatures, and a series of swirling psychedelic landscapes.

QDOT QSpot Qiosk + RATS_II Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Ossuary Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors