
Convergence Station

Reflective Passage

Located in Ossuary

Reflective Passage is a huge columned pavilion tucked inside a small cave. The title literally describes the pathways in this room. It also gives a clue of how to navigate the tricky labyrinthian paths. Reflections creates symmetry, slow and careful steps, looking up at your surroundings, and looking for your reflection creates a clear and surprising path. Just where are you and others in this space? Non-reflective surfaces were painted to allow visual connections of shapes to be made as floor, columns, lattices, and ceilings lineup. What you see depends on your point of view and where you stand in the maze. Things can get missed by rushing. There is no goal. Reflective Passage is one of several routes located between the Swamp and Catacombs, a wandering path to explore. Historic accounts document that when pyramids have been unburied, when caves have been opened for the first time, witnesses have reported seeing bright painted colors fade before their eyes. In Reflective Passage nothing fades.

Reflective Passage Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Ossuary Anchor Space in the Convergence Station Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors