Fancy Town 0
Fancy Town 1
Fancy Town 2
Fancy Town 3

Fancy Town is a special community inhabited by people who wander the multiverse. This small village is constructed from flotsam and jetsam collected from the space between worlds. It is the setting for Meow Wolf's world-famous concert venue and is the site of many evenings of dancing.

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Fancy Town Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You're on an anchor page within the House of Eternal Return Exhibition. The list below includes those who performed work that occurred across the Fancy Town Anchor Space as a whole. To see additional credits for the Fancy Town Anchor Space, click the Projects tab. To see a really big list of every single contributor to House of Eternal Return Exhibition, inclusive of all Anchor Space and Project contributions, click here.

Creative Leads

  • Matt King
    House Facades, Floor Painting, Neon Design & Installation, Telephone Poles, Welding

Creative Contributors