
House of Eternal Return

Power of Positive Mechanics

Located in The House

The Power of Positive Mechanics narrative materials tell the story of Lucius Selig, his cult, and their ill-fated attempt to build a vacation resort in the multiverse. Correspondence, a desk planner, phone numbers, pamphlets and more tell this tragic love story.

Power of Positive Mechanics Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the The House Anchor Space in the House of Eternal Return Exhibition.

Creative Leads

  • Billiam Rodgers
    Project Lead, Writer for Portals Bermuda Memos, Power of Positive Mechanics Day Planner, Flyers, Business Cards, & Hotline

Creative Contributors

  • Emily Montoya
    Logo Design
  • Peter Chapman
    Graphic Design for Flyer & Day Planner; Actor: Lucius Selig; Design & Layout for Positive Mechanics / Portals Bermuda Brochure, Poster Design for Positive Mechanics