Omega Mart

Omega Mart

Las Vegas, Nevada

“Omega Mart” is Meow Wolf's second permanent exhibition, which opened in February 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The flagship grocery store of Dramcorp, Omega Mart's parent corporation, this sprawling exploration of commerce was brought to life by hundreds of Meow Wolfers and dozens of collaborating artists from Las Vegas and around the world. Omega Mart promises deals on strange and beguiling products that are Sourced on-site in a supernatural factory. Guests to Omega Mart may shop for one-of-a-kind products, contribute their human element to the factory production process, and explore the ruins of an alien world. Omega Mart: "You have no idea what’s in Store for you!"

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Omega Mart Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on the Omega Mart Exhibition page. The list below includes those who performed work that occurred across the Exhibition as a whole. To see additional credits for Omega Mart, explore Anchor Spaces above or click the Projects tab. To see a really big list of every single contributor to Omega Mart, inclusive of all Anchor Space and Project contributions, click here.

Exhibition Team

Exhibition Contributors