

Omega Mart

The offices of the corporate entity behind Omega Mart, Dramcorp, exist in an ether-spiritual realm, with cubicles and work spaces delineated by sheets of light, fog, and neon transparent plastic walls in a labyrinth-style maze. Visitors are invited to take a dive deep through employee’s desks, explore offices and products in development, and converse with robots in a hands-on exploration of this corporation's metaphysical puzzle.

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Dramcorp Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You're on an anchor page within the Omega Mart Exhibition. The list below includes those who performed work that occurred across the Dramcorp Anchor Space as a whole. To see additional credits for the Dramcorp Anchor Space, click the Projects tab. To see a really big list of every single contributor to Omega Mart Exhibition, inclusive of all Anchor Space and Project contributions, click here.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors