
Omega Mart

El Rusty Young: The Hidden Waterfall City Ruins Diorama

Located in Factory

TITLED ----> "EL RUSTY YOUNG" 'Ruinas del Templo de la Cascada' de la 'Ciudad Perdida de Ceniza' una vez, la 'Ciudad de la Cascada' oculta del Oráculo de Ónice de 3 ojos (The "RUSTY YOUNG" 'Ruins of Waterfall Temple' of the 'Lost City of Ceniza' once, the hidden 'Waterfall City' of the 3 eyed Onyx Oracle)"

A neon rusty gang of lost street kids existing in the 'BETWEEN' of the worlds, on the Shore, the crossroads, the fringe tossing grappling hooks from street to roof, rebuilding a world that guides back to their cyborg-mutant-future- animal spirits in this dystopia to worship real dirt, sewer waters, animal relics, any spot of sun they find and creating alters into greenhouses protecting and guarding seeds they pot in a old bean cans to regrow and resurrect the plant, the bone and tell them their lost history they are on the journey to discover and reclaim.

The Rusty Youngs mission is to resurrect whats left of the Elements on their planet and bring forth the Alchemy of their ancestors magic, the quantum universal lay lines and to have the Giants of the Mystical Past spew their powers into the children of the soil, THE RY.

El Rusty Young: The Hidden Waterfall City Ruins Diorama Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Factory Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors