Mega Art Zone 0
Mega Art Zone 1
Mega Art Zone 2
Mega Art Zone 3
Mega Art Zone 4

Omega Mart

Mega Art Zone

Located in Front of House

Just outside of Omega Mart, a messy, grimey, graffiti-infested alcove has emerged. While Omega Mart was sleeping, a group of artists assumed the roles of anti-Dramcorp insurrectionists and spent four nights terrorizing this nook with texture, slime, aging, graffiti and sculptural details, corrupting Omega Mart products and siphoning funds to fuel their revolution. This team of artists from Santa Fe and Las Vegas have created general havoc for Omega Mart and their parent company Dramcorp.

Mega Art Zone Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Front of House Anchor Space in the Omega Mart Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors