Cathy Laughlin

Cathy Laughlin

Worked on Radio Tave, The Real Unreal, Convergence Station, Omega Mart & House of Eternal Return


Cathy Laughlin is an artist and programmer working in generative lighting & projection, interactive installation design & programming, and show control. She has worked with Meow Wolf since 2011, contributing work to the Due Return, Omega Mart (Santa Fe), the House of Eternal Return, Omega Mart (Las Vegas), and Convergence Station, among others.



Convergence Station Logo

Convergence Station

Show Control Designer

I designed & built the back-end for Meow Wolf's custom Show Manager for Denver, including a custom low-power control system, allowing our operators to monitor and control devices within the show. I also contributed lighting design and/or interactive programming to several installations, including Glitzy Snurtle, Rocket Car, You Are Here, and Cosmohedron: Frog Egg Garden. One of the proudest (and most oddly fun!) moments of my career was programming the 1200 LEDs in You Are Here remotely, due to the pandemic, without ever having seen the project in person...


Omega Mart Logo

Omega Mart

Show Control Designer

I designed & built the back-end for Meow Wolf's custom Show Manager for Vegas, allowing our operators to monitor and control devices within the show. I also contributed lighting design and/or interactive programming to several installations, including the Goblin Computer, Canmel, and Factory Ooze. I'm especially proud of Goblin Computer: a custom GLSL shader runs within TouchDesigner to generate the never-repeating, low-res light patterns that crawl through the two sculptures in the room, while the mood of the entire sequence is synched to an epic soundtrack by Beach House!


House of Eternal Return Logo

House of Eternal Return

Show Automation Lead, Programmer

I designed & built Meow Wolf's custom Show Controller for HoER, allowing our operators to monitor and control devices within the show. I also contributed lighting design and/or interactive programming to several installations, including the Timeworm, Dryer Portal, Forest Canopy, and Infinity Spa. My proudest HoER moment is, arguably, being one of a handful of people small enough to crawl inside the original Squirrell tech nook...
