Chris Beran

Chris Beran

Worked on Radio Tave, The Real Unreal, Convergence Station, Omega Mart & House of Eternal Return


Chris has been working with Meow Wolf since the construction of the House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe. Some of the projects they have worked on include the House of Eternal Return, Helter Shelter at Oregon Eclipse, Art Motel at Life is Beautiful 2017, Taos Vortex 2018 and 2019, and Dark Palace 2019, Omega Mart in Las Vegas, and Convergence Station in Denver. They are currently working with the Technical Arts Group, focusing on developing interactive, video, and lighting projects utilizing TouchDesigner, Unreal Engine, and other creative technology platforms.



Chris contributed to many spaces within Convergence Station, some major ones include the projected sky in Eemia, the lighting and sky in Gremlin Symphony, and the video displays on the City Street to name a few.


Omega Mart Logo

Omega Mart

Touch Designer Animation


House of Eternal Return Logo

House of Eternal Return

Programming & Installation
