Ilan Shamir

Ilan Shamir

Worked on House of Eternal Return


Ilan Shamir, whose name literally means “protector of the trees” lives in Santa Fe and creates nature silks from scarves to life size 20’ tall silk trees. He is the originator of Advice from a Tree, Advice from a River, Advice from a Bear and over 100 other Advice from Nature bookmarks, postcards, journals, magnets, books, t-shirts and mugs. He and his team have also created Advice from Meow Wolf and Advice from a Vortex products. Ilan has also

To repay the earth in kind for it’s generosity his company Your True Nature, Inc. based in Fort Collins, CO has planted over 110,000 new trees to replace all paper used in the company and for his line of unique green greeting cards that plant trees. Ilan completed a 40 solo on foot across Iceland, Created 7UP, The UNCOLA and Willy Wonka products before returning to his roots of creating nature based, sustainable products to remind people to live close to nature and to live their own true nature. He has been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered, the Wall Street Journal, The London Times and over 100 other major media. All that being said he most enjoys hanging out with the incredible community of people at Meow Wolf!