Ingrid Oleson
Worked on Radio Tave, The Real Unreal, Convergence Station & Omega Mart
Radio Tave
Production Manager, Visual Development
Aaron's Letters:
Production Manager
Black Light Poster:
Production Manager
Boot Tech:
Production Manager
Bubbha's Collision Sign:
Production Manager
Canned Goods:
Production Manager
Card Deck:
Production Manager
Cisco's Tabloid Story:
Production Manager
CJ's Studio:
Production Manager
Claw Machine:
Production Manager
Collected Calls:
Production Manager
Community Events Bulletin Board:
Production Manager
Compost Mortem:
Production Manager
Cowboix Hevvven:
Production Manager
Cowboix Hevvven Wall Decorations:
Production Manager
Credits Kiosk:
Production Manager
Crown of Beans:
Production Manager
Ear Worm Remover Maneuver Poster:
Production Manager
Eloc's Aluminum Record:
Production Manager
ETNL Community Radio:
Production Manager
ETNL Newspaper Clippings/Articles:
Production Manager
ETNL Radio Station Painting:
Production Manager
ETNL Radio Station Stickers:
Production Manager
ETNL Wall Decorations:
Production Manager
Exhibition Marquee Mural:
Production Manager
Creative Coordinator
Fred's Flex and Fiction:
Production Manager
Production Manager
Front of House:
Production Manager
Genre Map:
Production Manager
Glowquarium Trench:
Production Manager
Glowquarium Trench Fan Art/Letters:
Production Manager
Glowquarium Trench Stickers:
Production Manager
Goldy's Magazine Covers:
Production Manager
Goldy's Record:
Production Manager
Goldy's Tabloid Story:
Production Manager
Gone with the Glen:
Creative Coordinator
Hank Honk:
Production Manager
Houses of Eternal Return:
Production Manager
Isidora's Comics:
Production Manager
Isidora's Posters:
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
Let's Meet at the Intersection of Meat and Meet:
Production Manager
Little Thicket Big Cricket & Apple Fritter Festival Poster:
Production Manager
Little Thicket Big Cricket and Apple Fritter Posters:
Production Manager
Little Thicket Illustrated Map:
Production Manager
Mammoth Depressive Poster:
Production Manager
Middling Market:
Creative Coordinator
Middling Market Wall Decorations:
Production Manager
Mike Ecklund's Letter to Aaron:
Production Manager
Mike Ecklund's Letter to Aaron:
Production Manager
Moody's Record:
Production Manager
Mouthful of Matches:
Production Manager
Multiverse Currency:
Production Manager
Newspaper Stand:
Production Manager
Noodles for Good:
Production Manager
Note from Sparky:
Production Manager
Production Manager
Obsidiodyssey Bookcases:
Production Manager
Obsidiopolis Alley Brick Facades:
Production Manager
Obsidiopolis Alley Flyers:
Production Manager
Oil 4 All:
Production Manager
Pickle Boy Demo Tapes:
Creative Coordinator
Pin-Up Calendar:
Production Manager
Pressitech Banner:
Production Manager
Radio Station Letters:
Creative Coordinator
Radio Tave Branding:
Production Manager
Radio Tave Exhibition Marquee:
Production Manager
Radio Tave Monitors:
Production Manager
Radio Tave Wardrobe:
Production Manager
Rental Dental:
Production Manager
River Heights Mall Gene Splicer: 3000:
Creative Coordinator
Rivulet Racer:
Creative Coordinator
Robin's Journal/Notebook:
Production Manager
Creative Coordinator
Runes Development:
Creative Coordinator
Creative Coordinator
Sketch of a Fleshball:
Creative Coordinator
Special Night Flyers:
Production Manager
Spicy's Hot Dog:
Production Manager
Squiggle in B Minor:
Production Manager
Production Manager
The Bailiwick:
Creative Coordinator
The Flyer Room:
Production Manager
Theory Bulletin Board:
Production Manager
Theory Bulletin Board:
Production Manager
Theta Theater:
Creative Coordinator
Too Many Cooks:
Production Manager
Production Manager
Vitamin Taffy:
Production Manager
Well Done:
Production Manager
Creative Coordinator
You Were There:
Production Manager
The Real Unreal
Production Manager, Visual Development
Head Garden:
Creative Coordinator, Visual Development
Convergence Station
Administrative Assistant, D&P
Omega Mart
Administrative Assistant, D&P
Ticket Window Decals:
Production Manager
Tribal Land Acknowledgement:
Production Manager