Josh Dodson

Josh Dodson

Worked on The Real Unreal


Joshua Dodson - (b. 1988) is a multi-disciplined artist and designer based in Dallas, Texas.

Joshua, a creative being since childhood, really began his artistic journey in 2002 when discovering the subculture of graffiti. It was through this mysterious and style-driven practice of urban letterforms and abstract type construction that captivated him. It is clear to see these influences in the works you see today.

Over the years, Joshua has explored many different interpretations of art such as futurism, constructivism, architecture, and graphic design.

He describes his work as a combination of structure and abstraction juxtaposed with intense color procession. Fantastic angles interact with light and shadow to pull depth and illusionary qualities to the viewers' attention.

Continuing to expand on these sometimes metamorphic paintings is the ultimate goal for him.