Kelly Schoeffel

Kelly Schoeffel

Worked on Radio Tave & The Real Unreal


Kelly has 20 years experience in branding and advertising, working at the world’s most innovative creative agencies - including 13 years at 72andSunny where she helped build the company and define its culture while overseeing all things strategy. While at 72, she helped brand the city of Los Angeles for current Mayor Eric Garcetti, transform Tinder into an Emmy-nominated entertainment platform, convert Tillamook into a certified B-Corp, and helped create an original mini-musical with Target starring a bunch of toys. In a former life, she earned her PhD in Social Psychology at Harvard University and remains a very “nerdy” and curious person.

Radio Tave Logo

Radio Tave

Chief Marketing Officer

The Real Unreal Logo

The Real Unreal

Chief Marketing Officer