Kristin Stransky

Kristin Stransky

Worked on Convergence Station


Kristin Stransky was born in 1985 on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, to a first-generation Slovenian family. She received her BFA from Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, in 2007 in Sculpture and Fibers. Her MFA is from the Emergent Digital Practices Program (New and Digital Media) at the University of Denver. Stransky creates engaging and often playful artworks focused on social interaction, gender socialization, and cultural expectations. Her works range from wearables and 3D printing to interactive art and installations. Through constructs of the cyborg, physical computing, and social mores, she creates objects fusing craft and technology. She is obsessed with creating immersive environments, interlocking components, and prosthetics for simulated interaction. In addition to participating in multiple interviews and conferences, including ISEA and NMC at CAA, online platforms such as the Creator's Project, the Ars Electronica blog, Adafruit, and Instructables have featured her work. Her work was recently exhibited as a part of Currents New Media Festival, Supernova Digital Animation Festival, and at the Arvada Center, the University of Wyoming, Wright State, and Colorado State.