Luke Dorman

Luke Dorman

Worked on Radio Tave, The Real Unreal, Convergence Station & Omega Mart


Luke Dorman is a creative whose practice straddles fine art, graphic design, and illustration. His contemporary and experimental approach to design work has led him to be recognized by Print, Communication Arts, the Society for Typographic Arts, GDUSA, and others. Prior to joining Meow Wolf Luke worked in design education and carries from this experience a passion for teaching, mentorship and community building.

Radio Tave Logo

Radio Tave

Lead Graphic Designer



Convergence Station Logo

Convergence Station

Lead Graphic Designer

As the lead graphic designer on Convergence Station, I worked on projects from code and operational signage, to developing the typography of alien languages, to branding both the exhibition and the entity that sits at the center of the narrative, QDOT. The work for this show truly spanned every area of graphic design I can imagine. In addition to my own design and illustration work I lead a team of designers and concept artists on development of graphics across the exhibition. Favorite detail everyone misses: the Pets sign on C Street can be read in Japanese and English simultaneously, since the tops of the english letters are made with Japanese characters.


I only got to work on select projects for Omega Mart, since Convergence Station wound up being all consuming after mid-2019. But before then I got to work on a number of projects I'm super proud of including the branding for D.A.R.T. which I think is one of my favorite logos I've ever made. The deli meat posters are another clear highlight from this project – probably one of the most fun things I've ever had the pleasure of working on. Those were completed in June 2020 and I think it was a perfect way to focus the weird energy we all felt during lock-down into a creative project where I could just be as bizarre as I wanted.
