

Worked on Convergence Station

About the Collective

"Light has the power to create, define, and solidify, or leave in shadow that which we believe to be real."

"The major challenge for me in art is to keep under control the tyranny of a logical mind. The spirit that moves me is capricious, unruly and irreverent. Most of my work grows out of intuitive impulse — the rest gets underway by just playing."

  • Dorothy Tanner

Lumonics is a multi-sensory environment intended to bring you into a state of expanded awareness. The creation of trail-blazing artists Dorothy Tanner and Mel Tanner (1925-1993), Lumonics is among the first and longest-running light art studios in the US, beginning in 1967. While each light sculpture stands alone as an artistic expression, our interest is also to integrate the works into installations that express a powerful visual and emotional sensibility. Dorothy’s collaboration with co-director Marc Billard, creating electronic music and video, adds another element to an otherworldly experience.

Lumonics was honored to be one of ten Denver recipients of the Meow Wolf DIY Grant in 2019. The grant was partially used for furthering the Lumonics School of Light Art. Instructor Marc Billard has decades of experience working closely with the Tanners. He is now passing on his knowledge to the next generation of light artists.

Dorothy Tanner, 97, was the recipient of the 2018 Denver Mayor’s Award, “presented to an individual or organization that is breaking new ground in the arts and whose contribution to innovation in the arts has been significant.”