Matt King

Matt King

Worked on Radio Tave, The Real Unreal, Convergence Station, Omega Mart & House of Eternal Return


Matt is a Co-Founder and Sr creative director for Meow Wolf. He has been a part of 34 Meow Wolf installations. For OmegaMart, he was the creative lead for the Art Team Task Force, a team of 25 internal and local artists whose job it is to come in during the final stages of install and make the show look as good as possible by reacting to as-built site conditions.

Radio Tave Logo

Radio Tave


Convergence Station Logo

Convergence Station

Creative Director


Omega Mart Logo

Omega Mart

Field Art Director


House of Eternal Return Logo

House of Eternal Return

Project Management & Directorship, Chief Mover of Large & Small Stuff
