Nina Mastrangelo

Nina Mastrangelo

Worked on Convergence Station


Nina Mastrangelo uses her extensive study and experience in multimedia, applied arts, architecture, science, cartography, and education to create artwork and installations that combine dynamism and contemplation.

Mastrangelo strives to illustrate in 2D what cannot exist in 3D. Boundaries change as background and foreground interplay creates retinal shifts. Movement is suggested by intensity of light and shadow as well as positive and negative shapes that juxtapose without exact definition. The shapes might suggest elements of something tangible but as soon as the eye grasps an image, lines and shapes create cross suggestions of imagery.

Nina Mastrangelo received an MFA from University of Iowa working and teaching on international Intermedia Projects with Hans Breder and Mel Andringa before teaching and working in multimedia at Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCIARC). Co-founder and director of La Luz Studio, Mastrangelo prepared exhibits for the International Tile and Stone Show and permanent installations for personal residences and public spaces. Past awards and special projects include; Turkish Cultural Foundation Travel Fellowship, Santa Fe Art Institute projects; Addie Gropius (Color Theory) and Mel Chin (Lost & Found), Regional Representative for Mel Chin's Fundred, SEIS Science Education Institute of the Southwest Art & Science Fellow at the Albuquerque BioPark, Los Angeles Women's Building Postcard Project. Mastrangelo's installations include Los Angeles’ LACE Cotton Exchange, LAICA Home Show, San Francisco Storefront and Art Motel, Santa Fe Arts Commission Storefront Project, Center for Contemporary Art, form & concept, and Axle Contemporary.