Temitope Olujobi

Temitope Olujobi

Worked on The Real Unreal


Temitope Olujobi is a Queer Nigerian-American Architect turned Game Designer using their design practice to visualize speculative environments, featuring powerful quixotic visions of resistance that depict a world without brutality. They began their indulgence into 3D digital art in the Second Life modification community, making freakishly delightful virtual dwellings for eccentric gamers.

Since then, Temitope has gone on to make games exploring the intersections of Architecture, Narrative, identity and systems. Their debut game about Restorative Justice, called ​Edge of Healing​, was showcased at Different Games Festival (Boston) and the Game Developers of Color Conference (NYC). Other artworks have been exhibited in galleries and books including the New York City Storefront for Art and Architecture (NYC) and ​The Architecture of Closed Worlds, Or What is the Power of Shit?​.

When Temitope isn’t making games, they’re writing about games. Unreal Urbanisms, their research on engagement gaming for community planning, was selected for the Responsive Cities conference at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Barcelona). They received their B.Arch from Syracuse University and their MFA from NYU where they were the first Barlovento Foundation Scholar. Most recently they were an artist in residence at the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center.