Wynn Buzzell

Wynn Buzzell

Worked on Convergence Station


My path to becoming an artist has been atypical. For many years I studied biology, chemistry, and astronomy and I have always been fascinated by the natural world. This fascination eventually gave way to a great passion for design and through that interest led me to become an architect and more recently an artist.

I have no one media. I work with many materials and at nearly every scale. The consistent thread to all of my work however is a strong and compelling narrative and my use of 3D modeling and parametric software. I use computer power to create forms and patterns that are impossible to create by hand. I am an avid 3D printer enthusiast and have been using these machines to create art for many years often using algorithms to mimic the intricate and complex patterns found in nature and then using the precision of 3D printers to make them tangible.

I seek to create things that are as beautiful and intricate and inspiring as the things I observe in nature. My work is strongly narrative driven and always seeks to tell an interesting and memorable story. It is often occupiable, celebrates structural details, and is sensitive to site and placemaking.