JaeLà Lipstick Lamp 0
JaeLà Lipstick Lamp 1
JaeLà Lipstick Lamp 2

Radio Tave

JaeLà Lipstick Lamp

Located in The Amalgam

Using this as an opportunity to play with scale, I took a small common object and blew it up to gigantic proportions in order to give it a whole new use as a bench.
"JaeLà Lipstick Lamp” is a giant tube of classic bright red lipstick protruding from a sleek high-end designer black and gold case. Laying on its side, it functions as a seating element with 3 different seat heights and can hold 1-4 people at a time. It is activated by a trail of red lipstick drawn out the tip of the tube and running up the wall! It's as if a giant has taken this tube of lipstick and scribbled on the wall with it, leaving its mark and then setting it down. The red swirling gesture line leads your eye high up with wall and eventually peels off the wall and transforms into the stem of an elegant household lamp hanging overhead. The plain wood lamp is layered and textured like a large glowing acorn handing over you on the "bench." The light invites you over to sit and then envelops you in a warm glow as you relax in the corner and observe the rest of the room.
Lipstick is a symbol of feminine power. It is not makeup to cover up your face or to make you more beautiful. Lipstick is a choice to enhance, embolden, and saturate your already existing beauty. It highlights your lips and your mouth, the seat of power and expression for your personal and unique voice. Bright red lipstick can be an expression of bold presence saying, “I am here. I am powerful. And I will not be quiet.” Regardless of our gender identities, we all have masculine and feminine energies within us. This expression of bold fiery feminine power is for all people to embrace. - Jaelah Kuehmichel

JaeLà Lipstick Lamp Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the The Amalgam Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors