Bringbacks and the Beguiling Bringbarrow 0
Bringbacks and the Beguiling Bringbarrow 1
Bringbacks and the Beguiling Bringbarrow 2

Radio Tave

Bringbacks and the Beguiling Bringbarrow

Located in The Bailiwick

Bringbacks are mythical beings that can be identified by their black and white furry body bands and by the fact that they have no mouths, noses, or ears. However they do have two large, un-blinking eyes. Bringbacks are humanoid, generally standing between 5 and 6 feet tall, and they live and work inside the chest cavity of a much larger being called Junior. Junior is a Mound, a rather unorthodox Mound, and these Bringbacks serve his every wish. Mostly, Junior wishes to bring back the colorful childhood desires of all humanity in the form of toys, thus the name of his henchmen, “Bring” “backs.”

Bringbacks not only manifest colorful playful objects but also the vehicles and mechanisms that deliver these objects. One such contraption is called the “Bringbarrow.” Think of Bringbacks as Santa’s helpers…..but weirder. In this installation, the viewer/participant finds themselves in the belly of the Junior Mound, enveloped by floor to ceiling pattern work. The walls of this great beast display a gaggle of striped acrobats or “Bringbackrobats.” They aren’t just tumbling across the walls, but they’re also advertising the fruits of their labor (a grid of hundreds of pages from toy catalogs.) Each catalog page is framed by colorful rope, symbolizing the tether between our consciousnesses and theirs.

Bringbacks and the Beguiling Bringbarrow Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the The Bailiwick Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors