Flower Face Room 0
Flower Face Room 1
Flower Face Room 2
Flower Face Room 3

Radio Tave

Flower Face Room

Located in The Bailiwick

Large scale portraits of brown skinned cholas covered in floral patterns depict the experience of a first generation Latina, and the effects of assimilation through exploring themes of alienation, otherness, and celebration.
On a low rider cruise with a friend, the radio plays. A moment now passed is carried through time and space. Fragments of sound flicker through space, static cuts to old commercials as oldies ebb on.
Taking inspiration from radio frequencies, sound waves traveling and the idea of being between worlds and space, Flower Face Room explores the question, “what traces of this moment would be left to discover?"

Flower Face Room Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the The Bailiwick Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors