Amelia Tinker, a curious young woman passionate about solving mysteries, has disappeared. Before vanishing, she explored magnetism and radio frequency anomalies from a makeshift radio receiver in her attic. One evening, a coffee spill combined with a power surge caused her equipment to merge into an ectoplasmic blob. This event revealed that the sounds she was manipulating were converging from an unseen point in the room, opening a portal to The Phantom Center.
Now trapped in this liminal space, Amelia tries to use the equipment to send anyone a desperate plea for help, but the pulsing conglomeration of electronics has its own plans.
The Phantom Center Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the The Bailiwick Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Brad Wolfley Lead Artist
- Jeff Nelson Lead Artist
Creative Contributors
- Ben Hagle Exhibition Technology Specialist
- Benjamin Wright Senior Show Audio Designer
- Bizz Siegel Production Coordinator
- Brandi Alexander Exhibition Technology Specialist
- Brandy Oleson Fabricator
- Cameron Beasley Exhibition Technology Specialist
- Chris Hilson Principal Artist
- Chris Werner Design Lighting Designer
- Elana Schwartz Fabricator
- Eric Puckett Show Electrical Designer
- Izzy Hines Production Designer
- Joshua Myers Principal CAD Designer
- Juna Skënderi Production Manager
- Kayla Quinn Fabricator
- Morgan Barnard Video Designer
- Nora Galler Creative Producer
- Ray Gunn Collaborating Artist
- Rose Krayer Production Designer
- Stephen Tomlin Technical Director
- William Slayden Technical Director