Transmission Tower and Consoles 0
Transmission Tower and Consoles 1
Transmission Tower and Consoles 2
Transmission Tower and Consoles 3
Transmission Tower and Consoles 4

Radio Tave

Transmission Tower and Consoles

Located in The Bailiwick

The Transmission Tower is a resonating stone monument that has been augmented with technology from ETNL Radio by Cooper for the purpose of analyzing the sonic environment.
Cooper pulled equipment from her work shed to piece together these consoles so she can study the effects the Transmission Tower is having on the surrounding area. Use one to select a feature from the area, sync up with it, and then render an analysis. Sometimes answers lead to more questions, but in this case, at least the questions are pretty!

Transmission Tower and Consoles Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the The Bailiwick Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors