Frisson Morph 0
Frisson Morph 1
Frisson Morph 2

Radio Tave

Frisson Morph

Located in Theta Theater

Frisson Morph will take the viewer on a journey of discovery, transformation, and euphoria through the story of a sad fella finding joy through music. When listening to particular music or sounds, it can evoke the feeling of tingles traveling down the back of your head and spine – this is the experience of frissons. Not everybody can experience them. Frisson Morph will give a visual representation of that journey and create a space of discovery for the viewer to find more to reality than what meets the eye - or hits the ear.

Frisson Morph Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Theta Theater Anchor Space in the Radio Tave Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors