
The Real Unreal

Mama LeMar & baby Mo

Located in Glowquarium

I chose the manatees as a subject because I wanted to create something that honored the beauty and weirdness of life on Earth. There are many opportunities to create imaginary beings and creatures at Meow Wolf but the manatees mesmerized me with their slow, graceful movements and big round bodies. To me they represent a peaceful nature and that was the energy I was in the mood to focus on. I loved sculpting their gorgeous rolls and giving personality and life to their sweet faces. Many manatees get covered in algae in the wild so I made a glowing version of fantasy algae on their back sides to be reflected in the mirrors behind. I chose the upward position to make them huggable. ~ Shakti Howeth

Mama LeMar & baby Mo Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Glowquarium Anchor Space in the The Real Unreal Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors