Hidden Capsule Motel 0
Hidden Capsule Motel 1
Hidden Capsule Motel 2
Hidden Capsule Motel 3

The Real Unreal

Hidden Capsule Motel

Located in Lamp Shop Alley

"Hidden Capsule Motel" is a 100-star intergalactic pod hotel where travelers can rest their heads before departing to their next inter-dimensional location. Owned by Capzula (sister of Mijo Miho Cyber Cafe owner Enlinea) the capsule motel offers 12 unique capsules with gorgeous views of the multiverse, and amenities such as a cyber-spa and free wifi! Available nightly or by the hour!

Hidden Capsule Motel Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Lamp Shop Alley Anchor Space in the The Real Unreal Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors