AI-LA 11: sonic sybil of the metaverse 0
AI-LA 11: sonic sybil of the metaverse 1

The Real Unreal

AI-LA 11: sonic sybil of the metaverse

Located in Neon Kingdom

AI-LA is the eleventh sybil and travels through cosmic sound waves. Sybils have been sought out by travelers throughout time to provide answers to help guide a journey. She appears when telepathically summoned, and provides connections to events in the past and the future as she is present in all dimensions simultaneously. Do you hear her? She speaks in colors and can be tuned in through your good vibes. You must have called upon her mentally! AI-LA has the answers you seek, so tap into her magic prophecies for an auspicious journey through the Verse.

AI-LA 11: sonic sybil of the metaverse Contributors

The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.

You’re on a project page within the Neon Kingdom Anchor Space in the The Real Unreal Exhibition.

Creative Leads

Creative Contributors