The Real Unreal
VOCS Telephone System
Located in Optic Drift, Neon Kingdom, Lamp Shop Alley, Brrrmuda, The Delaney House, Front Yard, Lobby, The Forest, Glowquarium
The VOCS system is the telecommunications system for the Multiverse. It connects guests to the characters of the worlds they are visiting, to one another, and to exhibits in other cities.
VOCS Telephone System Contributors
The credits page is organized by different levels of contribution: Exhibition, Anchor Space or Project.
You’re on a project page within the Optic Drift Anchor Space in the The Real Unreal Exhibition.
Creative Leads
- Emily Kovalik Creative Producer
- Leo Brown Lead Artist
- Max Neutra Lead Experience Designer
- Sarah Bradley Story Architect
Creative Contributors
- Alec Brown Talent
- Allen Enlow Talent
- Andrew Cabaniss Senior Software Engineer
- Annie Jaynes Talent
- Benji Geary Talent
- Benji Geary Screenwriter
- Benji Geary Talent
- Benji Geary Writer
- Billiam Rodgers Writer
- Billiam Rodgers Screenwriter
- Bobby Nelson Talent
- Brad Wolfley Talent
- Brady Oleson Talent
- Carla Garcia Talent
- Carrie Taylor Talent
- Christopher Garcia Talent
- Cole Bee Wilson Talent
- Collin Stapleton Writer
- Collin Stapleton Talent
- Collin Stapleton Screenwriter
- Conor Peterson Technical Director
- Elena Nava Talent
- Elena Nava Writer
- Elena Nava Screenwriter
- Emily Reynolds Talent
- Evan Waltrip Talent
- Francesca Searer Talent
- Gleana Albritton Talent
- Isabel Zermani Talent
- Jeff Nelson Talent
- Jeni Nelson Talent
- Jeni Nelson Producer
- Jerome Morrison Talent
- Jojo Sena Talent
- Jose Tolosa Talent
- Joshua Davisson Talent
- Julianne Aguilar Screenwriter
- Julianne Aguilar Writer
- Justin Crouch Talent
- Kelly Kuhn Talent
- Kelly Khun Talent
- Laika Young Talent
- Lauren Henderson Talent
- Leo Brown Talent
- Margaux Hale Talent
- Margaux Hale Talent
- Michael Becker Screenwriter
- Michael J. Wilson Writer
- Michael J. Wilson Talent
- Noor-un-nisa Touchon Talent
- Rachel de la Torre Talent
- Ryan Thompson Talent
- Shakti Howeth Talent
- Stavo Craft aka Galactic Witchcraft Talent
- Sue Slagle Talent
- Todd Richins Talent
- Tristan Love Talent
- Victoria Pedroza Talent
- William Stafford Talent